Non Alcoholic Drinks That Create a Buzz Without the Booze
Non alcoholic drinks that create a buzz without the booze are a blessing in disguise! Beverages should not just be for hydration but also to provide benefits when consumed. Benefiting from alcoholic beverages is like searching for water in a deserted land. ( pun intended! ). Finding drinks that don't drain your energy is essential to making your special occasions have an unforgettable vibe. Indulge in some healthy makeover magic with Mitra9!
Mitra9's Seltzers For The Buzz Without The Booze
Mitra9's Kava and Kratom Seltzers are flawless farm-fresh frizzy drinks that provide the blissful taste and also the required buzz without relying on the booze. These non-alcoholic beverages are a bright add-on to your beverage menu, making it healthy and happiness-induced.
Kava Seltzers - Inclusive Non Alcoholic Beverages
Some days are celebrated for mere fun, and some to reminisce about traditions like marriage and its magical milestones.
Golden Jubilee With Gentle Sips
Your Grandparents have covered the golden milestone of their marriage, i.e., 50 years of togetherness, and you are hosting a small gathering for their old friends for the memorable occasion. Now, a booze-filled party is a fancy notion but not inclusive enough for your grandparents and people their age. Older people might prefer drinks that make them feel refreshed instead of giving them the feel of being on a roller coaster ride.
Non alcoholic drinks that create a buzz, like a Kava Lemonade and a Kava Orange Dreamsicle are the ideal choices for your senior guests who want to be a part of the celebration in their comfort zones. These functional beverages also might provide them with a soothing sensation and may help them feel relaxed and at peace.
Silver Jubilee With Sophisticated Sips
It's your parent's twenty-fifth marriage anniversary, and you couldn't be more excited to organize the function for the occasion. For beverages, you are looking for non alcoholic drinks that create a buzz without causing any hangover hazards. Fetch delicious and dreamy beverages like Kava Strawberry Watermelon and Kava Coconut Lychee for your menu.
These naturally flavored mocktails come with the ultimate richness of fruits and functional benefits to make you have a fulfilling fiesta. Preserve your well-being ( and a good impression in front of your parents, too! ) with these Kava Seltzers for the silver one.
Kratom Seltzers- Beautiful Colored Sober Beverages
Often, with all the work that goes into the preparation of cocktails, they are believed to be crafted more creatively than mocktails, which are considered to be mere mixes of juices. Well, this is not the case when you have Mitra9's Kratom Seltzers that are not only brewed to benefit you beyond the basic nature of beverages but also are a sight to behold with their naturally extracted colors and fun flavors.
A Subtle Gender Reveal With Seltzers
If you're expecting parents or even uncles or aunts, hosting a gender reveal party can be blissful. Revealing the gender of your new family member can be dreamy with a drinking game. Here's how you can go about it:
Set a table and place two fancy glasses for both parents to drink.
Arrange opaque containers with taps attached to them, each filled with water and two of them with Seltzers.
Fill the non-revealing containers with two Kratom seltzers- pink and blue colored, signifying a girl or a boy, respectively—one with Dragon Fruit Kratom Seltzer and another with Tropical Kratom Seltzer.
Seal the top of the opposite-colored drink container from the desired one (Eg, seal the top containing the blue beverage if it's not a boy).
Make your guests line up in a row, each holding a container.
Fill your glasses with all the contents in the containers one by one.
Either you'll get water or a certain colored drink out of the two seltzers. ( Pink or Blue )
Finally, reveal the precious secret by getting the desired color drink in your glass. Don't forget to raise the final toast with the gorgeous-looking seltzer.
Color Food Board Party With Seltzers To Sip
Planning a summer holiday bash? Host a color food board party with non alcoholic drinks that create a buzz. Add a surprise element to it by hiding who got which color board to prepare. Indeed, you are the host, but you must also do some work to participate equally. Take responsibility for beverages for all colored boards of your guests. Play smart, align your given colors with Mitra9's Kratom Seltzers, which come in vibrant shades, and steal the show. ( I mean, your party? Your rules! ) Here's how it'll work wonders:
Tell your aunt to make a purple one and add a Berry Kratom Seltzer to it.
Your mother can go for an orange board and stock a Tangerine Kratom Seltzer for this one.
You might want to make it a little tricky for your bestie; give her the color maroon, and guess what? You have a drink for that, too. A Black Cherry Kratom Seltzer.
You made your brother do a green one because he always mentions how he hates his greens! ( you can be cruel that way; no one is judging! ) Pick a Raspberry Lime Kratom Seltzer for its gorgeous earthy shade and the perfect beverage add-on.
You have guided your cousin to do a red one, and Watermelon Kratom Seltzer would work just fine for this one.
Tip: Pour each of the seltzers in glasses to make the boards look more vivid and organized. Also, here are some tips to organize your drinks station at home.
This summer, these seltzers will serve as absolute stunners to turn the tables for your color food board party. These functional, non-alcoholic drinks that create a buzz might also help enhance your creativity and also might help you socialize in style.
Who Needs Booze For Buzz In Beverages?
Undoubtedly, Kava and Kratom Seltzers are an ideal set of naturally derived, delicious, and dreamy beverages that complement every occasion of yours and how! Organize your drinks station with Mitra9 and graciously occupy a vast space in your guests' hearts. Whatever the reason, host them on a bright note with these beaming and blissful non alcoholic drinks that create a buzz without the booze. Break a leg, not because of the alcohol but because of the beneficial brew!