Make Kava Taste Good with these Recipes!

Making kava taste good is often desired because its natural flavor can be quite earthy and bitter, which many people find unpalatable. Improving the taste of kava can enhance the overall experience of consuming it, making it more enjoyable and accessible, especially for those who are new to it. Here are a few reasons why focusing on the taste of kava is important:

  1. Improved Enjoyment: A more pleasant taste can significantly enhance the enjoyment of drinking kava, turning it from a potentially unpleasant experience into a delightful one.

  2. Increased Accessibility: For newcomers, the strong, earthy taste of kava can be off-putting. Making it taste better can help in introducing kava to a broader audience.

  3. Enhancing Rituals and Social Gatherings: Kava is often consumed in social settings or as part of cultural rituals. Improving its taste can contribute to a more enjoyable social experience and can be a part of the ritual itself.

  4. Encouraging Regular Use: If you're using kava for its calming effects, making it taste better can encourage regular consumption, especially if you find its natural flavor unappealing.

  5. Culinary Creativity: Experimenting with different flavors to improve the taste of kava can be a fun and creative culinary activity, leading to the discovery of unique recipes and combinations.

  6. Masking Bitterness: Some methods of preparation can reduce the bitterness of kava, making it more palatable without necessarily altering its traditional form.

Here are three delightful kava-based drink recipes, each offering a unique twist to enjoy the relaxing effects of kava:

1. Kava Mint Lemonade


  • 3 tablespoons kava powder
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 cups lemonade
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices for garnish


  1. Prepare Kava: Mix kava powder with warm water and knead it through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a bowl, extracting the liquid.
  2. Blend with Lemonade: In a large pitcher, combine the strained kava liquid and lemonade.
  3. Add Mint: Crush a handful of mint leaves and add them to the pitcher.
  4. Chill: Add ice cubes to the pitcher and stir well.
  5. Serve: Pour into glasses and garnish with lemon slices and additional mint leaves.

2. Kava Chocolate Smoothie


  • 3 tablespoons kava powder
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • Whipped cream for topping (optional)


  1. Prepare Kava: Mix kava powder with warm water and strain it into a bowl.
  2. Blend Ingredients: In a blender, combine the strained kava liquid, banana, cocoa powder, sweetener, and almond milk.
  3. Make Smoothie: Blend until smooth.
  4. Serve: Pour into a glass and top with whipped cream if desired.

3. Kava Sunrise


  • 3 tablespoons kava powder
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1/4 cup pineapple juice
  • 1 tablespoon grenadine syrup
  • Ice cubes
  • Orange slices for garnish


  1. Prepare Kava: Mix kava powder with warm water and strain it into a bowl.
  2. Mix Juices: In a glass, combine the strained kava liquid, orange juice, and pineapple juice over ice.
  3. Add Grenadine: Slowly pour grenadine into the glass. It will settle at the bottom, creating a sunrise effect.
  4. Garnish and Serve: Garnish with an orange slice.

Enjoy these kava drinks for a relaxing and soothing experience. Remember, kava has calming properties, so it’s important to drink mindfully.