Shipping policy
Shipping within the United States only, all other Countries excluded.
We are unable to ship orders to the following states:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Indiana
- Rhode Island
- Vermont
- Wisconsin
- Mississippi
We are unable to ship orders to the following US Cities:
- San Diego, California
- Denver, Colorado
- Jerseyville, Alton, and Edwardsville, Illinois
We are unable to ship orders to the following US Counties:
- Exclude all Sarasota County, FL. zip codes
- Exclude all Lee County, FL. zip codes
- Jerseyville, IL zip: 62052
The consumer must be 18 yrs. of age and older to place an order. Consumers in the state of Florida, Tennessee, and Utah must be 21 yrs. of age and older to place an order. Florida is 21 and older and is effective as of July 1, 2023.
Consumer agrees to our Terms and Conditions prior to making the final purchase.